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Community Foundation Supporters
Donor Advised Funds
Anonymous (6)
Abeson Charitable Fund
Barton Family Advised Fund
KC Bausch Family Fund
Bell Family Fund
Broughton and Kelley Bishop, Jr. Family Advised Fund
Bolds Family and Friends Fund
Bryant Family Fund
Mitchell Cameron Memorial Fund
Carlisle Family Fund
Carlsen Family Fund
Carousel Fund
John A. and Helen M. Cartales Fund
Gregory S. Cermak and Melody L. Oakley Fund for Disabilities, Education and the Environment
The Columbian People in Need Fund
Columbia River Hall of Fame Fund
Congregation Kol Ami Fund
Corwin Family Fund
Kathryn Corwin Charitable Fund
Courtney Irvin Foundation Fund
Betty Curchin Memorial Fund
Sgt. John Kyle Daggett Memorial Fund
Norman C. Danielson Charitable Fund
Kenneth & Tracy Davis Family Fund
Carrie Douglas Memorial Fund
Dudley Family Fund
Leslie B. Durst Fund
Pam Edstrom Fund
E.L.L.E.N. Fund
Doris Emrick Fund
Evergreen Memorial Gardens Carlson Family Fund
Jan Kennedy Ferguson Charitable Fund
C & J Fornia Charitable Fund
Marty Forsmann Charitable Fund
Emil Fries Endowment Fund
Donald and Margaret Fuesler Foundation
Gayle's Gifts Charitable Fund
Stephen and Susan George Advised Fund
Give a Fox Charitable Fund
Goodwin Family Charitable Fund
Earl Graham Charitable Fund
Gratteri Family Donor Advised Fund
Ron and Therese Greenen Family Advised Fund
Gregerson Family Fund
Grimm Family Foundation
Jane A. Hagelstein Advised Fund
Hamilton Family Fund
Hansen Family Fund
Hashey Charitable Fund
Hatton GIBO Charitable Fund
Travis Hays Literacy Fund
Heisler Family Fund
Helland Family Charitable Fund
Hinds Charitable Fund
Stephen and Jan Holden Advised Endowment Fund
Rick and Joyce Hood Family Advised Fund
Scott and Donna Horenstein Charitable Fund
Jane's Forum Fund
Marilyn V. James Family Advised Fund
Clinton E. and Gloria John Family Fund
Dr. Charles F. and Marleen P. Johnson Fund
Shirley and Jim Johnson Charitable Fund
Paul Chuck Joy and Kathryn B. Joy Charitable Fund
Connie and Lee Kearney Family Fund
Keeney Family Fund
Jack and Carol Kelly Charitable Fund
Kendall Charitable Fund
Kirkwood Family Foundation
Ken and Dean Kirn Advised Fund
Klinge/Meyer Family Fund
Kuechmann Family Advised Fund
Kuni Austin Family Fund
Wayne D. Kuni and Joan E. Kuni Family Fund
Joan Kuni Fund
Kyne Family Charitable Fund
Amy and David Lampe Family Fund
Dennis and Elizabeth Lane Family Fund
Carol Ann Larson Charitable Fund
Laspa Family Fund
Laws Family Fund
Lein Family Donor Advised Fund
Wes and Nancy Lematta Advised Fund
LeTourneau Family Fund
Julian and Lorna Levi Family Fund
Hugh and Mair Lewis Charitable Fund
Living Water Charitable Fund
LSW Architects Charitable Fund
Ed and Dollie Lynch Fund
Malin Family Charitable Fund
Malin Family Fund
Jim and Kay McClaskey Family Fund
Van and Janet McDaniel Family Charitable Fund
Mears Family Charitable Fund
Richard and Sarah Melching Family Fund
McGreevey Family Fund
Middleton Family Fund
Cliff and Kelley Miller Fund
L.R. Mitchner Philanthropic Fund
Nierenberg Family Fund
Patricia and David Nierenberg Family Fund
Mason E. Nolan Charitable Fund
Jan and Steve Oliva Charitable Fund
David and Patricia Page Family Fund
Joe B. Pauletto, Jr. Charitable Fund
Teresa Pauletto Family Fund
Maury and Nancy Plumlee Family Fund
Rasmussen Charitable Fund
Realvest Charitable Fund
Judith Reel Charitable Fund
Rose Foundation
Betsy Ross Aquatic Trust
Royal Endowment Fund for Arts Education
Schei Family Fund
Schneider Family Foundation
J. Scott Campbell Foundation
Craig Shambaugh Charitable Fund
Jill Newman Slansky Charitable Fund
Snow Bunny Lodge/Karen O'Brien Education Fund
Sonntag Family Fund
Sorenson Family Advised Fund
Keown Speidel Family Fund
Standiford Family Fund
Stoler Family Fund
Swatosh Family Fund
Bill Swigert Fund
John and Lois Tennant Foundation
Ronald E. and Ivy L. Timpe Fund
Tribe Cousins' Charitable Fund
Tumac Charitable Fund
Phil Weigand Family Fund
Weinstein Family Charitable Fund
Welch Family Foundation
Rob and Ingrid Williams Charitable Fund
Rod and Joan Wright Family Fund
James and Judith Youde Family Advised Fund
Candace Young Advised Fund
Field of Interest Funds
Preston and Helen Adkins Charitable Fund
Columbian Waterfront Access Fund
SW Washington COVID Response Fund
Housing and Health Innovation Partnership Fund
Jack, Will and Rob Kids' Fund
Mike and Rosalie Larsen Fund I
Mike and Rosalie Larsen Fund II
Lighthouse Financial Charitable Fund
Melody Teppola NW Natural Employee Catastrophic Care Fund
NW Natural Employee Catastrophic Care Fund
Social Justice and Resiliency Fund
Elizabeth Swanson Fund
SWWA Racial Equity Learning Community Fund
Vancouver Audubon Endowment Fund
Vancouver Women's Foundation
Designated Funds
Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund
Jane C. Artz & Frederick J. Artz Fund
Ferrell Nathan Conn Designated Fund
Gene Duncan Family Endowment Education Fund
Patrick Hough Endowment Fund
Chester and Marion Beals Memorial Fund
Boys and Girls Clubs of Southwest Washington
Harvey J. and Marcella M. Mashinter Charitable Endowment
Our Lady of Lourdes School Endowment Fund
Tidland Christian Development Fund
Share Property Replacement Reserve
Theodore A. Barney Fund for Parks and Recreation Senior Programs
Kathy and Bob Kelly Charitable Fund
Claudia Z. Mack Endowment Fund
Nell Hill & R. Lee MacDonald Fund
Sanford/Harris Charitable Fund
Lower Columbia CAP Fund
John W. and Claribel K. Chapman Family Fund
Gerald and Delores Uhri Family Fund
Bob Kendall Memorial Fund
Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens Fund
Jill McLean Charitable Fund
Thomas and Velda Mae La Pierre Scholarship Fund
Tidland Family Youth Fund
Robert and Sharon DeFore Law Enforcement Fund
John and Maxine Nelson Charitable Forestland Fund
Share Operating Reserve Fund
Share Fixed Endowment Fund
Kay and Jim McClaskey Bereavement Retreat Fund
Ethel K. Lehman Designated Fund
Donald L. and Maxine A. Kelland Charitable Fund
Leslie S. Homer Charitable Fund
Tidland Family Historical Fund
R.J. Tidland Christian Discipleship Fund
George W. Lippincott Charitable Fund
Frank and Cecilie Van der Klugt Fund
Waldon M. Groves Scholarship Fund
Gabriel Antonio Fazio Scholarship Fund
Roberta J. Tidland Educational Fund
Southwest Washington Symphony Fund
Ivan and Irma Emerson Trust for the Needy
Jack and Nancy Barry Endowment Fund
Thelma Irene Beck Wolfe Charitable Fund
Amy Falk Goheen and Wade C. Goheen Charitable Fund I
Amy Falk Goheen and Wade C. Goheen Charitable Fund II
Buck Scholarship Fund
Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge Fund
Battle Ground Education Foundation Fund
Dennis Dietz Memorial Education Fund
Longview Rotary Scholarship Memorial Endowment Fund
Vancouver Fire Public Safety Fund
Meals on Wheels People Fund
Jean Lewis Fund for Animal Welfare
Educational Opportunities for Children and Families
Jack, Will and Rob Center Sustaining Fund
Police Activities League Fund
Vancouver Symphony Fund
Knights of Columbus Columbia Council 1327 Education Fund
Gift to Grant
Boys and Girls Clubs of Southwest Washington Expendable Fund
Children's Justice Center Friends Fund
Colin and Elizabeth Stout Fund
Friends of the Carpenter Fund
West Columbia Gorge Humane Society Endowment Fund
Clark County Food Bank Fund
Tom and Doris Hall Music Fund
Innovative Services NW Adult Programs
Pomeroy Living History Farm Fund
Tribe Fund for the Principal's Checkbook Program
Innovative Services NW Children's Programs
Vancouver Navigation Center Fund
Evergreen Arboretum/Memorial Landscape Committee
Lee and Dick Wollenberg Music Fund
Elizabeth Manley Charitable Fund
Helen D. Hull Memorial Reading Library Fund
Mike and Rosalie Larsen Fund for Northcrest Community Church
Scholarship Funds
AAUW - Vancouver Branch Scholarship Fund
Charles Anderson Scholarship Fund
Jack and Nancy Barry Scholarship Endowment Fund
Gerald Bergquist Scholarship for Kelso High School
Gerald Bergquist Scholarship for R.A. Long High School
Brinckerhoff Family Scholarship Fund
C. Edwin & Marjorie B. Carlson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Constance Cerveny Music Scholarship
Community Foundation for Southwest Washington Scholarship Fund
Community Foundation for Southwest Washington Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dave Chamberlain Scholarship Fund
College Scholarship Fund for the Boys and Girls Clubs of SW WA
CVC Investment Scholarship
Percy and Laura Conrad Memorial Scholarship Fund
David J. DiCesare Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ann Doyle Scholarship Endowment Fund
Leslie B. Durst and Shirley S. Durst Scholarship Fund
Danny L. Evans Fund for Education
Margaret and William Ginder Scholarship Fund
Marie H. Hamilton Scholarship Fund
Amber Goheen-Harlan Memorial Scholarship
Michael D. Harding Memorial Scholarship
Denis Gold Hathway Scholarship
Maury and Betty Hull Endowed Scholarship Fund
I Have a Dream Scholarship in Honor of Mary and Dick Granger
Florence Jessen Scholarship Fund
Jack and Carol Kelly Scholarship Fund
Ken and Dean Kirn Scholarship Fund
Jack Kleinman Memorial Fund for Volcano Research
Jack Kleinman Memorial Fund for Volcano Research (Expendable)
La Center Community Scholarship Foundation Fund
LSW Architects Legacy Scholarship Fund
Roy F. Mather Scholarship Fund
Steven and Marilyn Burke Memovich Scholarship Fund
Montadale Sheep Breeders' Association Foundation
Don and June Mulford Scholarship Fund
NAACP Vancouver Branch ACT-SO Scholarship Fund
Nelson Scholarship Fund
Jill Ann Newman Scholarship Endowment Fund
Mason Nolan Scholarship Fund
Mason Nolan WSUV Scholarship Fund
Mike Nolan Scholarship Fund
Osborn Scholarship Fund
The Ovando-Arreola Scholarship Fund
Pacific Northwest Gold Star Scholarship Fund
Jim and Paula Palmer Scholarship Fund
People of Praise Scholarship Fund
Ronald Phillips Memorial Science Scholarship
Phoenix Scholarship Fund
John and Maradee Potter Scholarship
Robert and Margaret Pulliam Scholarship Fund
Rocket College Scholarship Fund
Patricia Schroder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Nancy Shafton Scholarship Fund
Andrew J. Shields Memorial Scholarship Fund
Stan and Darlene Sorenson Scholarship Fund
Dick Streissguth Memorial Cadet Scholarship Fund
Angela Svendsen Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
Tidland Family Scholarship Fund
Frances Tribe Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
Betty and Glenn Tribe Scholarship Fund
Vancouver Emblem Club #473 Scholarship Fund
Vancouver Rotary Scholarship Fund
E. Faye Dailey Volker Scholarship Fund-Expendable
E. Faye Dailey Volker Scholarship Fund
Walnut Grove Community Church Educational Scholarship Fund
Harriett and Lawrence Wheeler Scholarship Fund
YWCA Chan Barnett Scholarship Fund
Jay and Diane Zidell Scholarship Fund
Agency Funds
Battle Ground Education Foundation Fund
Buck Scholarship Fund
Clark County Food Bank Fund
Educational Opportunities for Children and Families
Gabriel Antonio Fazio Scholarship Fund
Free Clinic of Southwest Washington Endowment Fund
Friends of the Carpenter Fund
Waldon M. Groves Scholarship Fund
Tom and Doris Hall Music Fund
Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens Fund-Endowed
Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens Fund-Expendable
Innovative Services NW Adult Programs
Innovative Services NW Children's Programs
Bernard and Anese Klein Memorial Campership Fund
Thomas and Velda Mae La Pierre Scholarship Fund
Longview Rotary Scholarship Memorial Endowment Fund
Lower Columbia CAP Fund
Meals on Wheels People Fund
Our Lady of Lourdes School Endowment Fund
Police Activities League Fund
Share Fixed Endowment Fund
Share Operating Reserve Fund
Share Property Replacement Reserve
Strong Harvest International Fund
Southwest Washington Symphony Fund
Vancouver Symphony Fund
Strategic Funds
Anonymous Funds (2)
Alfred Allina Fund
Arts and Learning Endowment Fund
Barry Endowment Fund for Children and Families
Butler Endowment Fund
Carol Reynolds Charitable Fund
Children's Trust Endowment Fund
Community Giving Endowment Fund
Community Giving Fund
Cowlitz Community Fund
Cowlitz Community Endowment Fund
Hazel Defenbaugh Fund for Seniors
Hazel Defenbaugh Fund for Trails
Evelyn Dusenbery Fund for the Performing Arts
Harris Dusenbery Fund for the Homeless
CF-Early Learning Impact Fund
Waldon M. Groves Fund
K.T. and Luella Henderson Charitable Fund
Merle Hogg Fund for Seniors
Home Heating Assistance Fund
Leslie S. Homer Endowment Fund
Homes for Community Living
Ethel K. Lehman Fund
Jean Lewis Endowment Fund for Clark County
Jane Onsdorff Malmquist Charitable Fund
NAACP Vancouver ACT-SO Fund
Mason E. Nolan Community Fund
Orrin E. Richards Community Fund
William Troy Sorweide Endowment Fund
Southwest Washington Equity Coalition Fund
SWIFT for Kids Endowment Fund
Kenneth E. and Eunice M. Teter Charitable Fund
Lenore Vande Zande Endowment Fund
Walt Whitman Fund
Mary Louise Willis Charitable Fund
Youth Philanthropy Fund
Supporting Organizations
Realvest Foundation
The Heritage Society
Anonymous (59)
Grethe Barber
Scott and Carla Beckstrom
Brahe-McPherson Charitable Trust
Allan and Kathy Bietsch
Frances Bolte
Thomas and Nancy Carlsen
Paul Christensen
Ward and Lois Cook
Joseph and Jane Cote
JoAnn and Jon Crabtree
Diane Difford
Rebecca Dougherty and Craig Murphy
Sandra Driggers
Leslie Durst
Mark R. Feichtinger
Suzanne Flagg
Susan C. Gilbert
Julia Gilmour
Greg and Michele Goodwin
Tom Grauer
Greg and Betsy Hatton
Vernon Herriott Trust
Charles and Karen Hoff
Richard and Joyce Hood
Dave and Betsy Imper
Jack and Carol Kelly
Robert Kenyon
Paul M. Keown
Vicky Kleinman
Carl Klinge and Susan Meyer-Klinge
Chris and Lorna Lambert
Linda Langley
Nancy Lematta
Sondra Long
Julia Maglione
George Manley
Jim Martin
Matt and Kaye Masco
Jerry and Penni Mayes
Kay McClaskey
Carol McRae
Richard and Sarah Melching
Emily Meyer
Chuck Michael
Terry and Diane O’Connor
Steve and Jan Oliva
Suzy Oubre-Loyd
Rob and Pat Pabst
David and Patricia Page
John Parry
Joe Pauletto
Mark Phelps
Mary Pringle
Greg and Amy Railsback
Jay and Barbara Ramaker
Jill Ann Slansky
Darlene and Stan Sorenson
May Towne
Richard and Kristin Trefren
Marshall and Dana Waldman
Michael Weinstein
Timothy Welch and Lee Hutton-Welch
Jim and Judith Youde
Julie and Kat Zenterra